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Cycling days

Cheese and Coasts Tour

...The hotel and route choices were great. Overall we thoroughly enjoyed our experience...

Beach and Towns Tour

...Tolle Reise! Von der Ankunft mit Empfang der Fahrräder und Unterlagen bis zur Abgabe der Fahrräder am letzten Tag eine gute Tour. Zwar waren wir ein paar Mal vor unserem Gepäck im Hotel, aber da dies von DBT vorab bekannt ist, hatten wir Wechselkleidung in den Fahrradtaschen dabei. [...]

North Holland Tour

...Die Route hat uns sehr gefallen...

Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...We particularly enjoyed the pumping station at Cruquius, and were pleased to arrive in Leiden by lunchtime due to the short cycle, as it was so pretty...

Cheese and Coasts Tour

...Loved the route through Flevoland. Straight, pretty and lots to see...

copyright VisitVeluwe

Royal Cycling through the Veluwe

...Holland is truly a biker's paradise! In spite of unusually cold and damp May weather, we had a terrific time. The routes are beautiful, interesting, safe with minimal elevation gain and easy to follow. [...]
Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...Haarlem - Leiden KP 72, sehr schöne Strecke im Wald mit duftenden Maiglöckchen! Aber es hat uns auch sonst an vielen Orten gefallen. Sehr imponiert haben uns die Fahrradfreundlichkeit überall, vor allem auch in den Städten, mit Gratisparkhäusern für Räder, Radstreifen, usw. [...]
Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...Best vacation that my friends and I have gone on. The routes provide you with the ability to disconnect from your life and connect in a more authentic way with the places you visit...

Cycling from Amsterdam

...A really lovely short trip exploring the beautiful countryside around Amsterdam... 

Holland's Old Towns Tour

...Die Reise war super organisiert. Der Routenverlauf ist sehr schön gewählt. Es hat uns sehr gut gefallen...  [...]

Amsterdam - Bruges

...We love the country, the people are warm and helpful, And the route is fantastic. In our case we thought we should have started in Brugge and cycled to Amsterdam as we would have had the wind at our back in a couple of the days. Fabulous week !... [...]
Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...The difficulty of the ride and directions were about what we expected. We enjoyed all aspects of the trip from the country scenery, bike quality, routes, etc. We enjoyed the whole week, but especially the ride from Haarlem to Leiden and the rides through the tulip fields... [...]

Holland’s Highlights Tour

...Wir hatten nicht nur sehr gutes Wetter und den Radausflug in vollen Zügen genossen sondern war die Strecke sehr schön und die Hotels waren einfach aber sehr geschmackvoll und an wundervollen Plätzen...

Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...Haarlem to Leiden through the national park was stunning and Leiden to Amsterdam along the canals and the river were perfect. Get the GPS unit it makes navigating the city streets so much easier. The best way to experience The Netherlands is by cycling through its beautiful countryside, riding along canals and through fields and cities like a local is what memories are made from...  [...]
Cyclist red tulips

Tulip Tour

...Das war einer der schönsten Urlaube die wir je gehabt haben. Alles perfekt organisiert, traumhafte Landschaft, super Radwege. Wir haben sogar einen Abstecher ans Meer gemacht...mit dem dazugebuchten Navi war es überhaupt kein Problem die ideal Route dafür zu finden. [...]
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